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[x]cube Origins

As the era of digital transformation started, we were early and farseeing. Pre-iPhone, we were a group of entrepreneurs delivering VoIP and unified communications solutions for the enterprise. As the mobile revolution took off with the launch of the iPhone and the App Store, we were among the first few to have an app available for download on Apple’s App Store. This was way back, when there were fewer than 1000 apps available.While we built our own games and apps, we also went back to our original mission of serving solving problems for the enterprise leveraging new technologies.

Ever since, we have been at the forefront of learning and implementing new technologies and delivering digital transformation in the enterprise. While the [x]cube team is full of passionate technologists, our mission isn’t technology focused. Technology is a means to an end. Leveraging the right mix of technologies is important, and ensuring their effective deployment keeping in mind real-world constraints, user preferences, business models, and so on is absolutely essential.

To that end, we proactively continue to add more technology capabilities in the mix of solutions and expertise we bring to the enterprise. From AI & ML to blockchain and other emerging technologies we adopted all of them in their nascent stage. The impact we’re created for our clients speaks for itself. From critical use case solutions under life-saving tech to casual gamification, we have created a rich portfolio over our decade long journey.

Our background in analytics and engagement, strong design sensibility and focus on usability have complemented our strategic approach. The ingrained culture of innovation due to continually working with new tech and charting new territory has allowed us to:

  • Work with start-ups and Fortune 500 companies globally, spanning across multiple industries
  • Deliver over 850 solutions across a range of verticals and received 20+ international awards in UX design.
  • Be among the first 13 companies globally to be certified as a Google Developer Agency
  • Be one of the top 10 companies recognized as become AWS IOT Service delivery partner

Our extensive innovation work for a number of enterprises globally has helped us arrive at a unique perspective, where we commit to fast and rapid innovation where clients see week to week progress and immediate business impact, and yet there is always an eye on the big picture, or an unwavering focus on the long term goals. Our work with enterprises typically therefore goes beyond narrow technology solutions to end-to end consulting, and work is guided by an ecosystem approach, customer experience transformation, business model innovation, and user centricity.

What Makes us Unique

Our digital strategy consulting ensures that you get it right the first time

Just as the wide availability of electricity fundamentally changed what businesses could do, the advent of digital technologies means that every business today must introspect and comprehend their own business. The goal of this introspection is to clearly understand how a business can innovate and adopt processes facilitated by a host of emerging digital technologies. However, digital technologies are far more complex to adopt than electricity. There are no standardized processes to follow. Factors such as timing, experience, usability, and so on are critical, which means that how you adopt a technology is just as important as what you do to adopt a technology.

Since digital technology adoption requires a specialized set of skills, businesses often find themselves in the difficult position of learning something completely new which isn’t native to their current core business. At the same time, since technologies change quickly, it is rare for an organization to get a second chance, which makes getting things right the first time-critical. This is where digital native consultants such as [x]cube LABS come in: we have core skills, tonnes of field and deployment experience, and keen insights into technology usability and adoption, business design powered by digital technology adoption, and so on. Leveraging our expertise in these areas allows organizations to innovate quickly and reliably.

We deep dive into your business and provide a comprehensive strategy

We take a look at your entire business at a high level, as well as deep dive into some specific aspects to connect and get the buy-in from the management. The actual process is clearly defined, yet malleable. Typically, we begin with an assessment phase then draft a high-level roadmap of innovation and transformation. We incorporate feedback from multiple sources in your organization, and at the end create a clear, prioritized list of action items.

The next step is to meet the key stakeholders in a workshop. In some cases, multiple workshops, if required. The focus of this workshop is to identify problems and pain points, to discuss new technologies and their potential applications, and in the end to start to put these two together so that we begin to match problems with solutions. The bulk of this work will be done by our innovation consulting experts after the workshop, but the seed is sown here.

Once we prepare a prioritized roadmap, we begin implementing the action items. Here again, we help you prioritize by always focusing on quick turnaround time on prototypes, on a minimum viable product, and more.

We are with you at every step of your digital transformation journey

We’re an end to end digital consultancy, so we help you with every step of your digital transformation journey, starting from laying out a clear roadmap, to implementing innovative solutions as well as deploying them.

Our roadmap at a high-level covers three areas:

Digital technology spectrum

You need to choose the right technology from a spectrum of options available. It must add value to your solution and caters best to your business objectives. You could also choose a mix of technologies to adopt in your business.

User experience design

Focusing beyond what technologies to adopt, on how they should be adopted, taking into account user needs and expectations, context, and more. The goal here is to create solutions that end-users will absolutely need, and not simply find useful.

Business Design

When you adopt new technologies and create new offerings for your customers as well as new revenue streams for your business, it is inevitable that you should also change the way your business is organized and the processes which drive it.

As practitioners, we go beyond the strategizing and actually implement new technologies and solutions for your business.

We are digital consultant and technology practitioners combined

Traditional consulting companies specialize in management and business practice—that’s their starting point and their core value proposition. We, on the other hand, are technology practitioners. Which means we practice what we preach. In fact, we practice, learn and then we preach what we’ve learned. If we make a recommendation or propose a solution, it’s something we have tested and implemented in our own organization, or for one of our large enterprise clients. This doesn’t mean that we follow the one size fits all approach. Each business is unique in terms of their needs and the landscape in which they operate. What we reuse is not the strategy guidance, but the overall methodology for identifying opportunities around digital, and kicking off a successful process of innovation.

We are equipped with the latest tools and infrastructure to deliver digital transformation

We realize that in order to provide the best digital consultation we must also be equipped with the best possible tools, which is why we make sure that we don’t fall behind-our technically equipped innovation lab and the hardware we work with are a testimony to that. The most important role, however, is played by our innovation resources and our team of experts, that come together to bring your digital dreams to fruition. We constantly learn and update ourselves on the latest disruption models. In fact, we’re usually among the first to adopt any new technology in order to gain a thorough understanding of how it works, where it can be implemented and the benefits that can be derived from it, before using it as a solution for our clients. Our range of consulting services cover customer engagement strategy, digital product development strategy, digital strategy consulting, connected product strategy, CX consulting which are fueled by a comprehensive range of technological services which include mobility, Devops team on demand, product engineering, cloud, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, IoT, progressive web apps, blockchain, virtual assistants and gaming.

We devise frameworks and methodologies that show repeatable success

We follow a disciplined approach where the product development is complemented by methodologies and frameworks which have shown repeatable success. From design thinking and innovation workshops to agile product development, we train our teams to excel in these methodologies and make it an ingrained element of their workflow, thereby enabling us to deliver solutions that not only deliver expected value and more, but have undergone rapid execution while adhering to processes that qualify them to meet quality standards.

Our successful digital transformation projects speak for themselves

No matter which industry your business belongs to, chances are you’ll find that we have worked for someone in that sector.

More than anything, our team, that is deeply immersed in new technologies, as well as our understanding at a fundamental level of the constraints that drive businesses, helps us provide the right service. Through our years of interaction with businesses from various parts of the world, we’ve gained valuable insights into the focus areas where digitalization can create the maximum impact for our clients.

Our open work culture enables associates to realize their full potential

We believe in following an open work culture that enables a free flow of communication. This helps us promote a 360 degree learning and independent thinking among our employees. A flat organization structure means less interdependency and micromanagement, giving way to self-reliance. This culture pushes associates towards the pursuit of knowledge, enabling them to realize their potential. We encourage an analytics-driven approach to find solutions and design thinking capabilities across the entire team.

Our team sees big picture and is attuned with the final vision

With a big picture in mind, we ensure that the process covers everything comprehensively. The focus isn’t limited to the final deliverable, we give weightage to every contributing factor that adds value to the product so that it is aligned with the final vision. From ideation and prototyping to product delivery, market launch and post-launch support, we have it all covered.

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